Rules & Regulations


General Instructions:

  • Students of Classes VI and above should carry their I-Cards regularly and students of Nursery – V should pin the I-Cards on the left side of the shirt.
  • Students should be regular and punctual in attending school. Absence of students for family or social functions is discouraged and the school will not take the responsibility for the slow progress of those students who are irregular.
  • Students should come to school with their tiffin, water bottles and school bags every day.
  • Students should keep their classroom and the school premises clean and tidy. Any damage done to school property is to be made good wholly by the student responsible for it, failing which the cost will be adjusted from his/her Caution Deposit.
  • Students must speak in English in the school premises and in the school bus.
  • In case of complaints, parents are requested to approach the school authorities directly and not the teachers.
  • Parents should notify the school regarding any change in their address or phone number.
  • Parents or any other person should not visit the teachers during school hours. They should come during the visiting hours with prior appointment only.
  • In case of a change in the mobile number, the school authorities need to be informed immediately.



  • School Bus facility is provided to students, if so desired, on payment, provided the desired bus stop is on the routes decided by the school.
  • It is compulsory for students upto Class V to wear the Identity Card with the bus number issued by the school. 
  • Drinking and eating in the bus and throwing waste paper and empty cans either in the bus or on the road is prohibited.
  • Unruly and unbecoming behaviour in the bus will be subject to disciplinary action including the withdrawal of the bus facility.
  • Parents are advised not to enter the school buses and also not to have altercation / arguments with the duty personnel. Complaints, if any, may please be directed to the Principal.



  • Books may be retained for a period not exceeding seven days by students.
  • Books may be renewed on request at the discretion of the librarian.




Jr. School Campus10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.(7, Press Complex)

Sr. School Campus10.45 a.m. to 12.00 noon(Talavali Chanda)

  • All fee and school dues, PAID BY CASH, must be paid by the 15th of each month. Thereafter, a fine of Rs.5/- will be levied for each day if the fee is not cleared by the 10th of the following month. Students, whose fee is not paid by the 10th, will not be allowed to attend classes from the 11th. This point must be noted and followed as no arguments will be entertained in this regard.
  • Fee is charged for 12 months of the scholastic year. No deduction is made for holidays, for absence or broken periods.
  • All school fee is to be paid in advance. Fee once paid will not be refunded.
  • Fee may be paid in cash or by cheque. Kindly note the following:

If fee is paid by cheque, the cheque should be made in the name of Laurels School and Management Institutions Pvt. Ltd. Indore, on or before the 12th of each month.